Who Does 50/50 Help?

50/50 seeks to help men and women in parts of the world where poverty runs deep and where obtaining access to small loans that can be used to start or grow a business can be very difficult.  That means we're operating in locations that a lot of other organizations ignore or consciously decide to avoid.  It means we are trying to provide help to those who need it most--those who don't live in places where they can fall back on a social safety net or rely on bankruptcy protection or put their money in a savings account where the bank pays YOU interest (in many places, customers still pay banks interest fees for the service of keeping their money safe and in one place).

We work with men and women who sometimes have many years of experience in their field.  So too do we work with people who are changing careers or trying out a field of work for the first time.  We work with the urban, the rural, the young, the old, groups, individuals, men and women--anyone who is hard-working, dedicated, and willing to invest the time and effort needed to build a successful business and help themselves and their families improve their financial stability.

We encourage you to look through our entrepreneurs to learn their stories and their hopes.  Here a few of our entrepreneurs: